As featured in Toddle About Magazine, MyBump2Baby and Parenting and baby Blog

Our family's sleep journey.

Hi I’m Laura Kate Hirst. 

I am a qualified infant sleep consultant in Derbyshire in the UK. 

I am passionate about enabling better sleep for families to ensure parents and their little ones are well rested, benefit from both improved well-being and health and enjoy their precious time together.

We were blessed with our beautiful son in February 2020 just before the first Covid lockdown began. We were happy in our little love bubble and coped surprisingly well as new parents despite a lack of support available to us, like so many others!

I have always had a keen interest in sleep and how the brain works. I wanted to incorporate this knowledge and passion together, so I could advise and empower other parents and support them in helping their little ones grow healthy and happy. Sleep isn’t a luxury, it is a biological need. Lack of sleep causes so many emotional and physical issues, it’s no wonder we can all find ourselves feeling irritable when we are tired as it’s harder to regulate our emotions when we are exhausted.

My son suffered with reflux for the first few months but by 6 months old he was able to Self settle and slept through the night. It was once I’d gone back to work and he was in childcare that he suddenly started getting very upset when I left the room after putting him down to sleep. I’d spend hours lay on the floor by his cot with him holding my hand through the bars! I was uncomfortable, resentful that I wanted just an hour of my evening for myself and worried what could be wrong with him and why would he not just go to sleep like he used to be able to.

That’s when I was furloughed and finally made redundant from work so I bit the bullet, got my qualifications and set up my own sleep consultancy business in 2022. 

Now our son waves us off and happily goes up to bed. Having that consistency each day is such a relief! I can plan my days more and he still gets the sleep he needs as he grows up.
Happy baby = happy parents! 

Being able to fall asleep independently and stay asleep is a life skill we can teach our children in a holistic and nurturing way. I would love to help you and your family on your journey to better sleep together. I create bespoke sleep plans that are tailored to your child’s age and temperament, whilst taking into consideration your family dynamics and lifestyle.

If you would like to know more about my sleep support methods book a discovery call with me and we can create a sleep plan that’s right for you.

Get in touch

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